Self Assessment Tax Returns

The most common reasons to submit a Self Assessment tax return are if:

  1. You earn in excess of £100k per annum
  2. You receive income from property
  3. You are a director of a limited company
  4. Your savings or investment income is in excess of £10k pre tax
  5. You have capital gains from the sale of shares or property
  6. You lived overseas but received UK income
  7. You have received a Self Assessment return from HMRC

With Claimtax you pay only


What You Need

  • Any P45/P60/Statement of earnings and/or dividend certificates for your earnings during the last tax year
  • Any documentation detailing capital gains or interest on savings.

P45 – document you get from your employer when you leave during a tax year.
P60 – document you get from your employer when the tax year ends.
Statement of Earnings (SOE) – document employers issue if P45/P60 is missing. This contains the same information as P45/P60, but on a company letterhead.

Claimtax can help save you both time and money


Contact us for a free, no obligation quote. If you have any questions about our service or you are simply unsure what to do next, please let us know. We will respond shortly!

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